3 Ply Mask

These masks are made with high filtration efficiency and the outer layer is water-resistant.

Covid Products

Detailed Information

This pack of disposable masks can be another good option if you are looking for 3-play masks online. These masks have been UV sterilized to kill all the microorganisms from the surface that have been accumulated during the manufacturing and packaging processes. So, there are minimal chances of infection when you step out wearing a fresh 3-ply mask.

These masks are soft and breathable and the soft elastic loops ensure that your ears do not hurt when you have to wear the masks for long.

3 Ply Mask
3 Ply Mask
3 Ply Mask
3 Ply Mask
3 Ply Mask

Key Attributes

Covid Products

3 Ply Mask

Product Details

3 Ply Mask
3-ply mask is a disposable mask that has 3 layers of non-woven fabric to help you breathe clean air. These masks are highly budget-friendly and can be used by almost everyone.
Statistically speaking, a 3-ply mask is effective in eliminating almost 95% of the pollutants from the air that you are breathing. However, these masks are short lived and you need to use a new one every time you walk out of your home.
3-ply masks are not at all expensive, in fact, they are the most budget-friendly
options available in the market. So, you need not think too much before buying
one for safety.
3-ply masks are meant for single time use So, you need to change the mask with
a new one after wearing it every time.

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